Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Calendar has moved!

Please visit: http://kzoopoetryfictionevents.blogspot.com/   for an updated list of poetry and fiction events in Kalamazoo!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 2014

Friday, September 5th

Justin Rogers and open mic at FIRE. 8 pm.  $5 admission
How to find FIRE: Head South on Portage Rd from downtown. We are located across from the Washington Square branch of the Kalamazoo Public Library. (The library is on your right, Fire will be on your left off of Portage Rd.)

Justin Rogers is a Detroit based poet, visual artist, and educator.  Finding poetry through the non-profit organization InsideOut Literary Arts Project, he begain his writing career with local publications in InsideOut anthologies, Detroit news papers, and college journals.  After traveling to San Francisco to compete at Brave New Voices, Rogers embarked on his first regional tour, featuring in places like Columbus, OH, Dayton, OH, Chicago, IL and more.  Rogers' most recent accomplishments include literary and visual art publications in Wayne State University's Wayne Literary Review, Red Beard Press' Uncommon Core, and First Literary Review.  Rogers currently attends Wayne State University as an Art and English Education major, is President of Student Org WayneSLAM (Wayne Student Literary Arts Movement), works as a writer in residence for InsideOut Literary Arts.

Friday, September 19th

Stuart Dybek at WMU's Little Theatre. First event of the 2014 Gwen Frostic Reading Series.

Sunday, September 28th

"Poetry in nineteen languages: A symphony for the senses," featuring WMU faculty, Portage District Library, 2 to 4 p.m., reception to follow. Free.